Toddler, Preschool, & School-Aged
Sleep Solutions
2.5 years to 10 years
I work with amazing yet exhausted and frustrated parents, like you, of children who just won’t sleep.
The only problem is you’ve read books and blogs on sleep, but nothing has worked. You’re at your wits end and just don’t know what else to do!
Or... you’re simply too tired to try anything at all to help your little one sleep.
Either way, you’re ready to be done spending hours each night trying to get your child to sleep.
Together, we can teach your child how to sleep straight through the night, with zero wakings!
So you can go from sleepless and frustrated
to you and your child both being able to sleep
10-12 hours each night.

Are you:
At your wits end from spending hours laying with your child rubbing their back to help them fall asleep, only to find them standing in the doorway to your bedroom two hours later.
Feeling like you’ve tried and tried, but your child just won’t nap?
Exhausted because your little one was awake more than asleep last night?
Tired of these patterns repeating themselves all day and all night long, resulting in your house being in a constant state of disarray or even having to call in sick to work you’re so tired?
Concerned that sleep deprivation is affecting your child’s temperament, immune system, or growth and development?
Noticing that your lack of sleep is affecting your entire life from your health and wellness and your career to your relationships, and your overall happiness?
So exhausted that you’ve been feeling like motherhood is just not what you thought it would be?
Any of that sound like you? Many parents wonder if this is just how it has to be. Some have even told me that they’re not sure if there's anything at all that will get their child to sleep.
Just imagine ...
Your child is sleeping through the night,
so you can too.
You have the confidence that when you put your child in their bed they will sleep drift off to sleep peacefully on their own, for the entire night…
You now have time to take a shower, exercise, read a book, have a glass of wine, do whatever YOU want to do, because your child is asleep at 7:00 pm.
Your little one takes predictable naps on a schedule every day.
You are a healthy, happy, and functioning parent. You have the energy for playdates, are able to accomplish what you want to in a day, can attend to your other children or your job.
You're connected with your spouse and you feel like you're on the same team again.
You’re getting to work on time, no more calling out sick, no more falling asleep at your desk or missing meetings and deadlines.
You have a healthy child, which is your first defense against the nasty cold that's going around daycare.
You experience the feeling of relaxation after you put your child to bed, instead of dread about what the night will bring.
And flexibility because you know your child will sleep anywhere if you stick to the routine.

Our Sleep Success Story
When you teach your child to sleep with a Tranquil Beginnings sleep package...
You’ll get through the sleep training process so much quicker, with less stress and tears, and with more success than you ever thought possible.

Mini Coaching Sessions
Our focused coaching option is designed to target a specific issue, with a comprehensive assessment of the issue at hand, a 30-minute phone consultation, and an emailed list of the recommendations provided. *Note, these sessions typically target a specific issue like short naps, early wakings, or struggles to settle at bedtime and are not meant to cram three weeks of private coaching into a single phone call.
For just $99

Private Coaching for Toddler, Preschool & School Age
2.5 Years - 10 Years

Á la carte services
Á la carte services may be provided in-home for clients in St. Augustine/Jacksonville, FL and surrounding areas or provided virtually across the globe. Limited availability.

Hilliary works privately with you in a 1:1 setting to educate, support, and coach you through the sleep goals we have
established for your child and as a family.
As our most popular offering, the private coaching packages offer a high-touch concierge style coaching, with a written program, daily support, and an arsenal of education to ensure you are set up for a lifetime of sleep success.
Consultations are virtual or in-home depending on location and preference, and additional services like overnight support are available in a limited capacity for those who are interested and local to Hilliary.
Tranquil Begninnigs is one of the nation's leading agencies for a reason- to provide support like no one else in the industry. When it comes to the care of your family, we would not want you to experience anything less.

You and your child will both be enjoying sleep filled nights and energetic days before you know it.

was personally selected, mentored, and trained by none other than Dana Obleman, the renowned sleep expert and founder of the Sleep Sense program, which has helped more than 57,000 families around the globe solve their child’s sleeping problems once and for all.
Additionally, her past experience working as a child and family psychologist and social worker informs her approach in an individualized and empowering way, which has led to her clients’ wild success.